It’s Time …. Take Your Place

First published as a guest blog post for on 11/04/2017

It’s time …. Take your place – Mahat Retreat – Chiang Mai 2017

Welcome to a world within a world …. a bubble in time where you can blink and find hours have passed at the same time as noticing that time has slowed down. It’s a dichotomy that proves that time doesn’t exist.

There’s a choice you make when you decide to attend a Mahat retreat: you choose to grow and develop; to step forward and take control of your life.

When you arrive at retreat you also make another choice: you choose how you transition through the growth and development that stepping forward presents to you.

From the moment you arrive,  you understand that you are privileged to be there; to be surrounded by your tribe, to be receiving divine teachings; you know you have come home. Your need for belonging and your desperate search for direction dissipate as you settle into a rhythm that can only come when you understand that you are connected with everything, and everyone surrounding you.

The collective knowledge and wisdom blends and weaves around you and you realise that your contribution is just as valuable as everyone else’s – that collectively, you make up the whole. Without you, and your contribution, there would be a gaping hole that no one else could fill.

There is a covert power that comes with the realisation that the universe has been waiting for you to step into your greatness – that your playing small has held not only you, but also the collective back from operating at its full potential. All it takes is a conscious choice to embrace your greatness to allow this power to fuel your resolve, to stand strongly and to meet everything in life at eye level.

The fabric of a Mahat retreat is woven with magic – a magic that is unique to the combination of the individuals in attendance. Your soul is touched. Your soul is alive. There are moments when you dance, moments when you cry and moments when you are so still that it’s like you’re suspended in space. These moments weave together like a patchwork quilt that is being lovingly created to provide warmth and comfort in times of need.

Your journey in this sacred space is yours, but it is also shared on a deeper level with the collective. No matter the lesson, no matter the level of awakening you know deep within you that there is a seriousness with which you now approach your life.

As you depart the bubble you know that you are forever changed, your soul is evolved, your light is shining.

It’s time … step up and take your place … it’s no more difficult that making a small shift in perception.

Mahatma my tribe – may every day be a pathway to the light.

Much love

Bron x


By |2024-10-03T13:28:17+08:00April 11th, 2017|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

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