Want your life to be different? Here’s what you must be prepared to do
Life. It’s messy, noisy and complex. It’s demanding, confusing and exhausting. It’s so easy to look around you and feel like you’re not keeping up – like everyone else is achieving and moving forwards and you’re stuck, sitting still or [...]
10 Lessons from a previously burnt out woman
Life can change in the blink of an eye. One minute, you’re enmeshed in everything you have going on, rushing from one responsibility to the next and barely remembering to breathe, because you have that much on your plate. In [...]
Normal wasn’t working … here’s how we move forwards
Did we ever really know what ‘normal’ life was? Every day was full of noise and chaos, and we sped through everything without taking most of it in. We became unconscious about our actions, reactions and the impact that we [...]
Simple ways to quickly move ‘Beyond Ah-ha’
We all have hopes and dreams that we want to accomplish, but life often gets in the way. Over time we lose our focus and mediocrity sets in. One way to stop mediocrity is to quickly reflect on your reactions [...]
If you’re worrying about money amidst all this chaos, here’s some resources to help you think in a different way
We’re facing un-precedented times. There’s uncertainty, everything is changing rapidly and most people are feeling high levels of fear and anxiety. Yesterday, I asked you to let me know what they’re worrying about so I could put together some tips [...]
Have you lost something and can’t seem to move on?
… how allowing grief to continue creates ongoing stress. Have you noticed the way that one conversation can plant a seed that leads you to great clarity? The way that the simplest sentence can suddenly open up a whole train [...]
Is life really more stressful now, or do we just need to toughen up?
What are the common myths about stress? Why do we allow it to run rampant in our lives and what can we easily do to minimise it's impact in our lives? Listen in to my interview with Eric Dye from [...]
Can we really simplify life and still have everything we want?
What would it take for you to feel free? Our lives are busier than ever - they're so complex when simplicity will do. We're programed from a young age to relentlessly, often ruthlessly pursue. We push ourselves to the extreme [...]